Human Resources

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CV/Resume (please provide your CV in pdf, word or rtf document format)*

We'd like to learn a bit about how you might approach this job. Please go through and answer the below scenario questions...
Question 1:
The company is in an urgent need for a crucial role and a meeting is gathered with the founders and the concerned team members which includes you as a Human Resources Generalist. Few suggestions were arrived at the meeting on how crucial the role is, yet how rare the talent is to figure out, especially since the given role is very unique and even if we found a resource it would incur a heavy investment in getting them aligned to the organization. It has been decided that the team shall start an active lookout for the role and a referral fee will be announced to fill the role. Simultaneously, you are aware of a colleague at the company who may be interested in a similar role. You would 
  1. Inform the colleague about the role and the seriousness with which it’s being sought and ask to apply. This saves the company a lot of effort.
  2. Inform the team about the interactions you have had with this colleague. As they are already part of the organization, they can align much faster.
  3. Inform the team about the colleague and inform the colleague about the opening, so that both are better prepared to meet each other’s requirement.
  4. Based on the context, I’d leave it to the team’s discretion and not involve myself unless and until, I’m explicitly asked by the team to recommend.

Question 2:
Which of these options below, resonates with you the most and is an indicator of Productive Work Culture -
1. Competitive Pay with a better pace of growth automatically encourages and attracts more talented minds. Getting to work with a filtered set of talented minds automatically encourages healthy competition and individual growth. This in turn automatically churns a system of high performance.  Eye-candy perks, free lunch, etc make employees complacent in long term and the organization will start missing its goals, leading to eventual collapse. These are shortcuts and baits that especially startups fall into in order to compete for resources with established orgs. [Evident with the recent bubble & crash]. A company's first duty is towards delivering to its stakeholders which includes Employees and Investors. (Provide employees with job security and investors with their return).
2. Culture is an unconscious factor. Everything that we consciously infuse will soon be felt artificial and will lose employee interest to someone who can outcompete in the same perks. When work lacks excitement & opportunity to learn and improve one's skillset to be more valuable, companies take shortcuts to balance with eye-candy perks like over-compensation, fancy work environment, etc which are unsustainable for a business. Being part of a visionary pursuit and inspiring work with balanced pay will make employees be self-aligned and automatically design, demand, and create an exciting environment. The typical definitions of work culture may help run a company but not build one against all odds. Work is the culture

3. A great motivating and calm work environment that motivates productivity by making to feel more at home with attractive amenities, and allowances are basic demand of Today's workforce. Hard to sustain and build a company without these amongst the market competition. 
A well-treated employee reciprocates with better outcomes.  Contrary to old world views, Promoting a healthy Work-life balance through shorter working hours & workweeks, yearly vacations, etc. actually results in better mental health - Ideas come from the mind and a happy mind creates better ideas. Happy employees make happy customers and thereby a better-performing org.

4. There are overwhelming studies, surveys, and industry expert discourses that have established the basic framework for a better work culture -  An org that is socially responsible will groom and attract better remuneration back from Society.
Fair, transparent, and competitive pay with minimal gender disparity attract more loyal employees with a sense of belongingness & workplace pride which leads to minimal energy spent in mistrust and conflicts. A great work environment paired with social responsibility always resulted in attracting competent talent who feel a sense of purpose - Founders/org's vision need not align with employees' vision but they could still be contributing workforce - many do fail to recognize that.

Question 3:

For some roles we must proactively reach out to fitting profiles that came out of a search. A relevant content that expresses our thinking and resonates to their nuanced thought process has time and again worked with the candidate and is prepared by branding team.
[As a cutting-edge Research in robotics which gives an opportunity to challenge and differentiate, often impresses the hungry minds, BUT only if it has caught their attention]

However, Calls and emails are the preliminary means of personal connection with the candidate. And they might be buried with spams.

We do not know if a candidate is not interested after thoroughly reading through the info or if the info didnt reach them or they haven't read thoroughly.

Design a Communication sequence that can ensure that the candidate reads through the information before they decide, without they mistaking us as desperate?

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And finally, the deal makers / breakers ☻....